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The Integrity Commission today launched a public consultation process, seeking input from the community on Tasmania’s current lobbying system and how it might be improved.

Integrity Commission Chief Commissioner Greg Melick said this will be the first part of a multi-stage project, leading to the Commission taking ownership of the current lobbyist register and eventually reforming the existing system of oversight.

‘We are interested to hear people’s experiences of lobbying and their thoughts on Tasmania’s current model of lobbying oversight,’ Mr Melick said.

‘To guide submissions, the consultation process is accompanied by a brief consultation paper, providing an overview of key issues and structured questions and a more detailed research report, which reviews other systems of lobbying oversight.

‘You may be a lobbyist or someone who has been lobbied, or have been affected by public decision-making that resulted from lobbying. We are hoping to hear from anyone who has an interest in this vital democratic process.’

The existing lobbying oversight system for Tasmania was established in 2009 and is administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC). This system includes the Tasmanian Lobbyist Register and a Lobbying Code of Conduct.

‘It is the perfect time for this review, as responsibility for administering the existing Tasmanian Lobbyist Register and the associated Lobbying Code of Conduct will transfer from the Department of Premier and Cabinet to the Integrity Commission in July this year,’ Mr Melick said.

‘The Tasmanian community needs to have confidence that public administration and government decisions are made fairly, transparently, and in the public interest. The submissions we receive will inform recommendations to improve accountability of lobbying practices and associated decision-making within Tasmania.

‘Effective regulation increases confidence that no particular individuals or groups exercise undue influence over government.

‘A well-designed lobbying code of conduct provides clear standards of behaviour for lobbyists and those being lobbied. A transparent lobbying register allows the public to monitor which private interests are being represented, who is being lobbied, and the purpose of the lobbying.’

The consultation process is designed with the hope that everyone will be able to participate.

Submissions can be made from today until 30 June. More information on how to “Have your Say” can be found at the Commission’s website:

Interviews and launch event

Chief Commissioner Greg Melick AO SC will launch the consultation and be available for interview at 11:00am, Wednesday 18 May, at the Churchill Room, Salamanca Inn, 10 Gladstone St. Battery Point.

Media release by Greg Melick AO SC, Chief Commissioner

Media contact

Kylie Fisk, Acting Director, Misconduct Prevention
Ph: 1300 720 289
